its been so long i didnt write anything in this blog... i miss all that i leave there.. wawawa... but the most important things i should do is looking for job!! waa.. its not easy to find it.. really2 tired.. klw bleh aku xmo da ddk rmh.. aku mo kerja..hehehe.
Hari-hari yang bias adi rumah..bangun mandikan emir..pakai kan bju.. emir pg school.. pastu melepak jd penganggur terhormat. hehehe.. bowink ba, i need something i can do.. tapi stat esok aku akn jd babysit. waa... dua orang lagi tu...hehehehe. actualy i dont have any idea to write. so i thing i just stop here...
oppss.. skejap lagi aku mo pos resume. wish me luck!!