Hari ni ak nak test blog..
x kisah la apa ak nak tulis..
lg pun ni blog aku..
lama da nk try buat blog ni..
apa2 pun aku akn try baiki blog ni bla aku ada msa..
Welcome 2009!!
tis year i still here..somewhere at place named Kota Samarahan..
last semester to graduate..InsyaAllah..
after this, i still dun know to go where..
just hope that my life go easy n colourful..
same like other people..but sometime i like, or i can say i love to be diffrent..
bkan sbb nak "fofular".. just be my self..
Good bye 2008!!
there are many things happen to me in 2008..
accident, knowing something, hurt, crying...
laughing, smiling, tired.... huh!! so many feeling...
but that's what we called LIFE!!!!
thanks to my friend, family and people around me cause make me feel life!!
Dun ever fly to high,
bcoz, when u fall, it will hurt more than u know...

But i still love sky!!!