Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
24 NOvember 2009
Selasa, Office
Selasa, Office
Elo..Lama da x edit benda ni..(selalu aku ckp bnda ni..hahahaha) nampak sgt aku ni mls mo edit..hehehehe.. ~~
Dua Tiga bUlan ni da banyak benda Jadi denGan aku..Mcm-mAcam~~
So, ak ingat mo crita sikit2 ja..hehehhe
lepas hbs program...
apa2 pun thanks la dkt cikgu tu..yg baek ati untuk "spon" kmi hehehe.. ak rsa beSh!! sgt2!! hehehe... laen kali mo bwa family lg pg sna..hehehe
Dua Tiga bUlan ni da banyak benda Jadi denGan aku..Mcm-mAcam~~
So, ak ingat mo crita sikit2 ja..hehehhe
- Mcm yg sbelum ni..ak da bgtaukan aku kerja kan. msh lg ditempat yang sma.. byk program yang di buat.. salah satunya Program Vote Yes (Motivasi bersama Dato' Angkasawan) hehehhe..
lepas hbs program...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
U r my Sunshine..~

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But now you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But now you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
JUn..juLai..OgoS..n SepteMbeR
Welcome to my month..
Nda sedar-sedar mo 4 bulan da ak x update blog ni.. aku buat summary la aa..
- aku da graduate da..15 Ogos 2009, ak rsa besh sgt2 sbb mcm pg holiday dgn family. kmi sewa kreta n tggl dkt otel n jln2 ja...smpai adiku lemas d Boulevard n hilang d unimas.
- aku da dapat kerja, jd Pekerja Khidmat Singkat (PKS)..gaji pun bleh tahan..
- hari ni aku besday.. Happy Birhday to you Mazna!!!!
- Aku knal lagi rmai kwn dkt kerja..hehehe
- dan..yang plng penting l..aku msh mencari kerja yang tetap..(wish me luck!!!)
- aku da sta bt persediaan rya ni..da 3 psang bju rya...ada mcm2 kuih "tunjuk" eh, aku pun ada buat aa...Batang Buruk,Popia n Choc Conflek..hehehe
Apa2 pun 4 bulan ni...ada byk bnda jd dlm live aku..klw aku mo crita mmg aku letih mo taip..yang penting..aku msih mencari makna sebuah kehidupan yang bermakna bg seorg insan mcm aku ni..hehehe
once again wish me L.U.C.K
Friday, June 19, 2009
One person with "Pisang goreng"
rabu lps.. em aku blik dr kerja..mcm biasa la, aku naik bas.. tem stop di Durian tunjung, turun la sorang penumpang ni..pastu naik la sorng mat salleh with his baby..really nice!!! he really nice and lovly more thing that i realize, that mat salleh bring "Pisang goreng"'s really nice!!
Inggeris man with his baby.. n Pisang goreng....
Inggeris man with his baby.. n Pisang goreng....
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Suatu Kisah..
Rasa hormat seseorang terhadap org yg lagi tua dari diri tu kan penting..aku sgt2 berpegang dgn kata-kata ni.. "hotmatilah org yng lebih tua dr kita" tp aku kadang2 konpius dgn cra dorg..lagi2 org yg rapat dengan kita.. kdg2 apa yang kita buat x semuanya baik di mata sebaiknya kmi buat yang terbaik untuk menjaga hati dan nama mereka. Tapi kami pun manusia biasa..manusia biasa yang ingin di fahami, dan dimengerti..(seh, mcm lagu la plng..) hehehe.. tp btul la.. pttnya kan dua2 pihak yang ptt fhm sesama sendiri. tegur menegur tu mmg baik, tp kan lebih baik klw kita berfikir dahulu dan memahami keadaan seseorg..ntah la.
mcm nabil ckp.." pikirla sendiri"
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lamanya la aku x update blog ni..hehehe. tau x.. aku da dapat keja. title.. Pekerja Khidmat Singkat atau lebih glamor lagi PKS. aku kerja di Jabatan Pelajaran Labuan (JPWPL), di Sektor Pengurusan Akedemik (SPA) n dalam Unit Pendidikan Islam dan MOral (UPIM)hehehe.. klw mo di liat2, aku?? dlm unit penddkn Islam?? hehehe.. tp ok jua la ba stakat ni.. aku bru blajar ckit2. buat LPO, Tempah tiket, buat Prapesanan..n mcm2 lagi la. setakat ni ok ja..sebab x bnyk lg kerja. orng2 lma dlam sektor ni ckp tem cuti2 sekolah mmg la x byk keja klw da stat buka sekolah..mmg la byk gla2. hr ni ak langsung xda kerja..sebab 2 ustaz yg slalu bg keja cuti..aku fly as a bird la..hehehe. tp bowink jua la klw slalu mcm ni..x besh!
Apa lg mo cita aa? erm..aku dpt kwn bru.. under UPIM, ada 2 org, aku n izzatul. pastu under unit sains dan matematik ada sorg, kak pdah.. pastu under UTV @ unit teknologi dan vokasional..ada sorg, ros. dorg la kwn2 SPK aku cni..aku x la rapat sgt, tp biasa2 ja..hehehehe. K la..aku xda idea da ni. nanti lagi aku update k..
Apa lg mo cita aa? erm..aku dpt kwn bru.. under UPIM, ada 2 org, aku n izzatul. pastu under unit sains dan matematik ada sorg, kak pdah.. pastu under UTV @ unit teknologi dan vokasional..ada sorg, ros. dorg la kwn2 SPK aku cni..aku x la rapat sgt, tp biasa2 ja..hehehehe. K la..aku xda idea da ni. nanti lagi aku update k..
Monday, May 25, 2009
job...where are u???
its been so long i didnt write anything in this blog... i miss all that i leave there.. wawawa... but the most important things i should do is looking for job!! waa.. its not easy to find it.. really2 tired.. klw bleh aku xmo da ddk rmh.. aku mo kerja..hehehe.
Hari-hari yang bias adi rumah..bangun mandikan emir..pakai kan bju.. emir pg school.. pastu melepak jd penganggur terhormat. hehehe.. bowink ba, i need something i can do.. tapi stat esok aku akn jd babysit. waa... dua orang lagi tu...hehehehe. actualy i dont have any idea to write. so i thing i just stop here...
oppss.. skejap lagi aku mo pos resume. wish me luck!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I GO lyrics - Pete Teo
So long, fare thee well
The dancer and the dancing days have taken leave and fell
So turn down this bed of stone
Quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong
The long December rain is falling now
Running down on streets to nowhere
Music is my life you're my sweetest nightingale
But I can't hear it here no more
And I go
I go
Hush now, don't shake or break
Words have fallen silent like soldiers to the grave
No matter what they do or say
Lay me on the sleepy meadow by the tracks upon your face
Lirik Pergi - Aizat (OST Talentime)
Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu
hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari
kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia
p/s sowie bcoz i cant upload the vedio..its say there are some error..
but you can enjoy it from this link..
I Go- Aizat (English Version)
Pergi- Aizat (Malay Version)
The Original one... I Go by Pete Teo
So long, fare thee well
The dancer and the dancing days have taken leave and fell
So turn down this bed of stone
Quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong
The long December rain is falling now
Running down on streets to nowhere
Music is my life you're my sweetest nightingale
But I can't hear it here no more
And I go
I go
Hush now, don't shake or break
Words have fallen silent like soldiers to the grave
No matter what they do or say
Lay me on the sleepy meadow by the tracks upon your face
Lirik Pergi - Aizat (OST Talentime)
Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu
hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari
kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia
p/s sowie bcoz i cant upload the vedio..its say there are some error..
but you can enjoy it from this link..
I Go- Aizat (English Version)
Pergi- Aizat (Malay Version)
The Original one... I Go by Pete Teo
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Ello there.. next monday i will go back labuan. so thats mean, i only hav 2 more days a unimas.. i will miss this place..i had learn so much here..something about life, friends, hard, cry, smile, enjoy, trust, believe, communicate, any many..many...many...more! Kuching also make me "feel" that i was here!!! so many memory to restore in my short term memory...but i hope it will quickly "jump" to my long term memory...bcoz it was really...relly...relly nice+wonderful+"daimond" to forget....i will really...misss u alll....
thanks for being a piece of memory in my life...
thanks for being a piece of memory in my life...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Baju oh Baju....
SEmalam aku pigi pos barang...Mula2 kmi pegi Pejabat Pos yang hampir2 Rajah Court tu.. Skali rosak la pulak penimbangnya.. Lastnya kmi pegi jua petronas yang hampir dengan UNIMAS tu... hehehehe... buang minyak ja jalan jauh2.. hehehe...ak budget mlm sbelum tu mayb aku pos dalam 100+.. skali... 35+ ja...hehehehe... yeye...ada duit lbih!!!!
Dengan Senang Hatinya kami pun pegi la bejaln2... mula-mula pegi makan dlu.. dkt Singapore Chicken Rice dkt Tabuan.. aku mcm biasa la.. Nasi Ayam Roasted n Ais Lemon TEa!!!
Yummmyyyy...... (^_____________________^)
Pastu kmi pegi OneTJ... sbb mmw mok bli game PSP.. tp xda yang besh... kmi jln2 ja.. n aku dapat.....
KeyBoard yang cute n aku bli Port USB...
Hehehehe... Balik ja ak trs "mengetes" dua benda alah ni... jadi!!! hehehe.. Malam tu ak edit PTA trus...
Sambung gik... pas pigi OneTj... kmi pegi Boulevard... aku ingat mo bli TShirt.. tp malang nya... Aku x jumpa... :'(
Tapi aku dapat Sushi n Baju Tido kaler ijau... hehehehe.... Kak Norm bli barng basah... hah?? Basah?? hahahaha... ia bli Udang, sotong, Sayur la... hehehe... ia mo msak Tom Yam mlm ni...
Yes...yes !!!!!!
Pas Boulevard.. kmi pegi BDC... Aku suka tempat ni!!!! Aku baget mo bli baju Tshirt... ya la kan...tadi ak x dapat... Sekali aku dapat 2 baju!!!! Hahahahaha.... ak suka sgt2....sgt2!!!!! cantek....! heheheheh.. tapi dua2 hitam... nda apa la ba kan...bukan aku pakai sekali...huhuhu...
Lepas ja dr BDC...kmi blik...kaki aku pun dah letih...cian nya.. :'( tapi hati aku gUMbiRa!!!
hehehehehe.... n seperti yang dijanjikan..kak Norm mask Tom Yam.. memendangkan mmw da mo blik petang ni...huhuhu
Lastly...kemarin adalah hari yang mengembirakan aku!!!!!
Dengan Senang Hatinya kami pun pegi la bejaln2... mula-mula pegi makan dlu.. dkt Singapore Chicken Rice dkt Tabuan.. aku mcm biasa la.. Nasi Ayam Roasted n Ais Lemon TEa!!!
Yummmyyyy...... (^_____________________^)
Pastu kmi pegi OneTJ... sbb mmw mok bli game PSP.. tp xda yang besh... kmi jln2 ja.. n aku dapat.....
KeyBoard yang cute n aku bli Port USB...
Hehehehe... Balik ja ak trs "mengetes" dua benda alah ni... jadi!!! hehehe.. Malam tu ak edit PTA trus...
Sambung gik... pas pigi OneTj... kmi pegi Boulevard... aku ingat mo bli TShirt.. tp malang nya... Aku x jumpa... :'(
Tapi aku dapat Sushi n Baju Tido kaler ijau... hehehehe.... Kak Norm bli barng basah... hah?? Basah?? hahahaha... ia bli Udang, sotong, Sayur la... hehehe... ia mo msak Tom Yam mlm ni...
Yes...yes !!!!!!
Pas Boulevard.. kmi pegi BDC... Aku suka tempat ni!!!! Aku baget mo bli baju Tshirt... ya la kan...tadi ak x dapat... Sekali aku dapat 2 baju!!!! Hahahahaha.... ak suka sgt2....sgt2!!!!! cantek....! heheheheh.. tapi dua2 hitam... nda apa la ba kan...bukan aku pakai sekali...huhuhu...
Lepas ja dr BDC...kmi blik...kaki aku pun dah letih...cian nya.. :'( tapi hati aku gUMbiRa!!!
hehehehehe.... n seperti yang dijanjikan..kak Norm mask Tom Yam.. memendangkan mmw da mo blik petang ni...huhuhu
Lastly...kemarin adalah hari yang mengembirakan aku!!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hari ni aku kemas2 barang...
punyala banyak barang...
aku mo bawa semua kalau bleh..
sebab xmo susah nanti konvo..
tem konvo aku malas mo bwa barang bnyak2..
mama lai mo shoping, huhuhu.. (bkn ja mama..anaknya ni pun...)
esok aku mo pos barang
xau la kena brapa nanti..
Nda apala..dr ak overload dkt airport..

t Pos... nantikan aku...
punyala banyak barang...
aku mo bawa semua kalau bleh..
sebab xmo susah nanti konvo..
tem konvo aku malas mo bwa barang bnyak2..
mama lai mo shoping, huhuhu.. (bkn ja mama..anaknya ni pun...)
esok aku mo pos barang
xau la kena brapa nanti..
Nda apala..dr ak overload dkt airport..
Thursday, April 16, 2009
whaT should i do?
Smalam aku tdo dgn nyeyak skali...
pasTu, i had a dream..
abouT one person ThaT i always miss..
He come To unimas n give some persembahan..
i was There aT The lasT row see him..
suddenly i cry...
n i Think he never noTice, i was There...
now, i really...really...really miss him
i jusT hope.. he will always be happy n "meet his happiness"...
n of course i really...really... hope he never forgeT me..
bcoz.. i ever says This word..
" jn kiTa smpai losT conTacT.. jgn lpakan aku"
n...i really mean iT...
pasTu, i had a dream..
abouT one person ThaT i always miss..
He come To unimas n give some persembahan..
i was There aT The lasT row see him..
suddenly i cry...
n i Think he never noTice, i was There...
now, i really...really...really miss him
i jusT hope.. he will always be happy n "meet his happiness"...
n of course i really...really... hope he never forgeT me..
bcoz.. i ever says This word..
" jn kiTa smpai losT conTacT.. jgn lpakan aku"
n...i really mean iT...
Monday, April 13, 2009
all my daysss....
Hari ni aku penat gla2..
Aku stat cita dr sabtu pagi k..
Saturday, 11 April
7.oo am : Aku da bangun tuk ready2, sbb dorg kata jam 9.30 pagi da tolak dr unimas
9.00 am :Aku da kluar rumah mo pg alamanda.. reason, bdk2 sakura kna srh kumpul dkt alamanda. jln awal sbb mo cr daun tuk prop persembahan seminar
9.30 am: da smpai alamanda... tggu..tggu...tggu... lastly dkt jam 11 br jalan... da la pns!!!!!
1230 pm: lbh kurang2 la datang Damai Puri Resor...
Sebenarnya mlm ni kmi ada Dinner.. "Royal Nigth Dinner"
Untuk Final Year HRD...
6.00 pm - 12.30 am : Our Dinner... busy sgt2.. sebab kna bg hadiah.. :'(
: bu i enjoy!!! n i go lucky draw....hehehehe
: some of my friend also get lucky draw n also some "anugerah"
Some Photo to share..
Welcome ladies n Gentelmen...
lovely flower...

Our red carpet...

Ready to eat!!!
One of our activity...
Sunday, 12 April
12.30 pm: check out n ready to back unimas
1.30 pm: da datang unimas...really,really...really tIRED!!!
2.00 pm: go to bath n....ready to do my FYP report
2.00pm- 12.30 am: do my FYP report
Monday, 13 April
12.30am-4.30 pm: still do my FYP Report
Lastly siap jugak.....
Really want to say thankssssssss to my housemate..
she really help me... i do my report by her laptop..
also print my friend and i (our) report use her printer...
thanks mmw!!
Aku stat cita dr sabtu pagi k..
Saturday, 11 April
7.oo am : Aku da bangun tuk ready2, sbb dorg kata jam 9.30 pagi da tolak dr unimas
9.00 am :Aku da kluar rumah mo pg alamanda.. reason, bdk2 sakura kna srh kumpul dkt alamanda. jln awal sbb mo cr daun tuk prop persembahan seminar
9.30 am: da smpai alamanda... tggu..tggu...tggu... lastly dkt jam 11 br jalan... da la pns!!!!!
1230 pm: lbh kurang2 la datang Damai Puri Resor...
Sebenarnya mlm ni kmi ada Dinner.. "Royal Nigth Dinner"
Untuk Final Year HRD...
6.00 pm - 12.30 am : Our Dinner... busy sgt2.. sebab kna bg hadiah.. :'(
: bu i enjoy!!! n i go lucky draw....hehehehe
: some of my friend also get lucky draw n also some "anugerah"
Some Photo to share..
Our red carpet...
Ready to eat!!!
Sunday, 12 April
12.30 pm: check out n ready to back unimas
1.30 pm: da datang unimas...really,really...really tIRED!!!
2.00 pm: go to bath n....ready to do my FYP report
2.00pm- 12.30 am: do my FYP report
Monday, 13 April
12.30am-4.30 pm: still do my FYP Report
Lastly siap jugak.....
Really want to say thankssssssss to my housemate..
she really help me... i do my report by her laptop..
also print my friend and i (our) report use her printer...
thanks mmw!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Lovely Cloud!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
lama da rsanya x update blog ni... mmg lama gla la.. x tau la npa..sbb yg palng utama ialah MALAS.
hehehehe... ak br ja bca sorg blog kwn yang ak knal em ak prakikal... rindu nya ak dgn tmp tu..
bkn ak x happy dkt sna..hehehe.. cma ada bnda yang ak x bleh trima diri ak tem tu... mls la mo ckp apa...
besh plk bc blog ia...hehehehe.. tmpt tu msh mcm dlu.. klw da dgn kebosanan..mmg buhsan gla! hehehehe...
besh nya tem tu..hehehehe
ak da pnt da mo bt asmnt.. da la key board ak rosak... x la suma, ada 2 3 key ja..
tp pnt jua la mo copy..pastu paste lagi... huh! leceh! sbr ja la...hehehehe dlu pun jd mcm tu jua.. tp ok ja pas format...skali, ni jd lagi... sdey nya....
begini la nasib diri ku yang malang...
ooohh tuhan....
udah mandi ni..
lama da rsanya x update blog ni... mmg lama gla la.. x tau la npa..sbb yg palng utama ialah MALAS.
hehehehe... ak br ja bca sorg blog kwn yang ak knal em ak prakikal... rindu nya ak dgn tmp tu..
bkn ak x happy dkt sna..hehehe.. cma ada bnda yang ak x bleh trima diri ak tem tu... mls la mo ckp apa...
besh plk bc blog ia...hehehehe.. tmpt tu msh mcm dlu.. klw da dgn kebosanan..mmg buhsan gla! hehehehe...
besh nya tem tu..hehehehe
ak da pnt da mo bt asmnt.. da la key board ak rosak... x la suma, ada 2 3 key ja..
tp pnt jua la mo copy..pastu paste lagi... huh! leceh! sbr ja la...hehehehe dlu pun jd mcm tu jua.. tp ok ja pas format...skali, ni jd lagi... sdey nya....
begini la nasib diri ku yang malang...
ooohh tuhan....
udah mandi ni..
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Kelmarin aku jln2 dgn housemate ak..
Tem odw g saberkas, kami stop dkt satu jalan tu..
Ttgu trafic light..
Tem tggu tu, aku da nmpak sorang maybe "apek" bwa bnda berat..
Satu plastik hitam yang pnuh dgn barang..
Tp x la ak tau pa dlm ia..
Tp, ak tau bnda tu berat dr air muka pk ck tu..
Dia nmpk letih sgt..
Dah la panas tem tu..
Ak rsa ia da jalan jauh..
Pastu, ia msuk la satu simpang tu..
Kmi ngam2 stop dkt area tu..
Pastu pk ck tu stop dpn sebuah rumah org yang halaman ia ada bnyk pokok
Jd, dkt luar pagar ia kira "limbu" la..
Ia ddk sna tuk brehat sekejap...
Tesentap ak skjap
Ak sedih tgk ia..sayu ja..
Mst ia pntia bkerja sepanjang hari, jln jauh2..
Bwa brng berat2..
Jln kaki ja..
Tuk tampung khidupan harian, n mayb tuk family ia..
Tu la tandanya usaha sorg ayah tuk keluarganya..
Hanya tuk cr sesuap nasi..
Trus ak ingatkan pengorbanan parent ak slama ni..
Ak senang2 ja blanja cni..
Mcm apa ja!
Tp, ak x la smpai berbazir gna duit..
Kdg2 ak bli jua brg2 x faedah..
Tp kebnykkan nya ka gna duit tuk mkn..
Trima kasih Mama..
Trima kasih Babah..
InsyaAllah ak xkan lupa jasa mama sma babah
Suatu hr nanti ak akan senangkan mereka..
God, please help me..
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Flash Back!!!
Klw x silap aku..
21hb haritu..
Aku g kluar dgn sorg housemate aku..
Dengan tujuan mghantar sorg lagi housemate aku g airport..
Kmi jln2 la lps htr dia g airport..
Kmi pg Spring
Aku mkan satu bnda yg btul2 di nmakan Cheess Cake..
Dkt Secret Recipe
Marble Cheess Cake...

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Be nice to me today..
hari ni first time seumur hidup ak....
ak derma darah..
x la sakit sangat pun..
cuma rsa tem ia "inject" ja
mula2 mo g "nebes" gla..
ak pg dgn kwn ak ia x dpt, sbb kurang berat..hehehhe
cian ia..(^________^)
ndahal la..laen kali ia try..
Lps kna "Injection"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Hari-hari semua benda berubah...
Kadang2 kita sndri x sedar benda tu lama da berubah..
"tu la... lambat!!"
shhuu... --> menusuk kalbu! hahahaha..
Mayb kita sedar akan perubahan tu.. tp saja2 buat x sedar..
Bkn semua perubahan tu bleh di terima secara terus
Tp bkan mksd ak perubahan tu x baik..
Ikut la penilaian orang, ak sapa mo menilai org laen..
" Oren nampak satu perubahan dlm sesuatu @ seseorang"
" Oren x tahu ia kebaikan @ sebaliknya.."
" Tapi Oren try utk ambil sebagai positive"
" Yang penting Lemon bahagia .."
But to Lemon it's too many, too many, too many, too many.... changes!!
it's hard to accept...but Oren need to accept.
God, please help us!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ice Cream & Rose
When i need to choose between Ice Cream and Rose...
i will choose.. Both!!
Look at thiS!!!
Kita slalu nampak sign ni kan..
Kalau tanya sapa2 pun mst tau apa sign ni..

Tapi kdg2 ada jgk org yg tak fhm..
Mslhnya org2 ni mmg da cukup dewasa utk fham..
Friday, February 6, 2009
" Sometime in life, there are really our bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes, you'll really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you'll find it in a spouse and calebrate it with your dream wedding. But there is also the chance that the one person you can count on for a life time, a person who knows you sometimes better than you know the same person who has been standing beside you all along.."
- Bride Wars -
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hari ni hari jumaat
klas HE ja, da tu jm 4 lagi..
boringnya la mnuggu klas
Hari ni da stat cuti mid sem
cuti seminggu
xtau la apa mo buat..
klw ikt hati mmg mo jalan
tp 1 ja mslh pny prob..LESEN!
klw la ak bleh drive, mmg ak xda la dlm unimas ni
jln2 lg baik
oh laptop Qu!!
lps rya cina bru la ak jmp
bowink da xda laptop..
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My first post..
Hari ni ak nak test blog..
x kisah la apa ak nak tulis..
lg pun ni blog aku..
lama da nk try buat blog ni..
apa2 pun aku akn try baiki blog ni bla aku ada msa..
Welcome 2009!!
tis year i still here..somewhere at place named Kota Samarahan..
last semester to graduate..InsyaAllah..
after this, i still dun know to go where..
just hope that my life go easy n colourful..
same like other people..but sometime i like, or i can say i love to be diffrent..
bkan sbb nak "fofular".. just be my self..
Good bye 2008!!
there are many things happen to me in 2008..
accident, knowing something, hurt, crying...
laughing, smiling, tired.... huh!! so many feeling...
but that's what we called LIFE!!!!
thanks to my friend, family and people around me cause make me feel life!!
Dun ever fly to high,
bcoz, when u fall, it will hurt more than u know...
x kisah la apa ak nak tulis..
lg pun ni blog aku..
lama da nk try buat blog ni..
apa2 pun aku akn try baiki blog ni bla aku ada msa..
Welcome 2009!!
tis year i still here..somewhere at place named Kota Samarahan..
last semester to graduate..InsyaAllah..
after this, i still dun know to go where..
just hope that my life go easy n colourful..
same like other people..but sometime i like, or i can say i love to be diffrent..
bkan sbb nak "fofular".. just be my self..
Good bye 2008!!
there are many things happen to me in 2008..
accident, knowing something, hurt, crying...
laughing, smiling, tired.... huh!! so many feeling...
but that's what we called LIFE!!!!
thanks to my friend, family and people around me cause make me feel life!!
Dun ever fly to high,
bcoz, when u fall, it will hurt more than u know...
But i still love sky!!!
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